Saturday, January 9, 2010

New date for Sports and Party

The cross country sports and party will now be held on Sunday, January 31st from 12 noon. Registration from 11:30am. Read earlier posts for more details.

Don't forget the "Design a slogan" competition! We are looking for a slogan (maximum 3 words) for the juvenile section of the club, which we will put on our club gear in the future. Write it down, with your name and put it in the box at the sports day on Jan 31st. Prize for best one is a €50 Voucher for Alfie Hale Sports. If you’re not in you can’t win.

Training is back on Tuesdays at mount sion and Fridays at the RSC. Re-registrations can be done by bringing the registration form given before Christmas or downloading it from the main website

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